Sarah Broady
Entrepreneur. Tea-lover. Visionary.
Hi. I’m Sarah.
I’m a wife, mom and entrepreneur. I love doing what I can to help others. I’ve tried my hand at various hobbies for fun, for profit, and some things that accomplished both at the same time. Several years ago, I discovered my love for writing when I started a blog about raising a son with autism a couple of years after he was diagnosed. I taught myself the ins and outs of blogging through lots of research and good old-fashioned trial and error. I started out on the free Blogger platform before taking the jump into the big, bad, not-so-scary-after-all world of switching over to being self-hosted on WordPress. I’ve had a few panic attacks directly after hitting the button that says, “Are you SURE you want to continue?”, and I’ve done a few victory dances when something actually works the way I wanted it to.
One of the reasons I’ve started this business is to be a valuable and helpful resource to others like me who have an online presence with a personal blog, business website, or social media platforms.Whether it’s brand new, established for a while, or somewhere in between, The Virtual Visionary has something to offer. I’ve learned a lot over the years, and this business blog is a place for me to share what I’ve learned. You can find step-by-step tutorials for various projects, as well as informational posts about general website-related topics (such as web hosting, WordPress themes, basic CSS coding, etc) to help make your website more functional, effective, efficient, and just plain better.
Not to mention, the self-made work-at-home aspect of things is a pretty awesome gig. I remember reading about other women who started their own home businesses and became wildly successful. I remember thinking that it couldn’t happen to me. That I didn’t have what it took. I didn’t have the right tools, the money to invest in a business, or the knowledge to even know where to start. But I read how they did it, built on it, took those first steps, and now I already have a handful of clients and have actually made money – all within only a few months of officially starting my business! So I’m joining the ranks of those who say, “If I can do it, so can you.
The primary reason for this new endeavor though, is that I’m trying to better our family’s finances by putting all the experience and knowledge I’ve gained into a viable business that accomplishes my goals of helping others as well as doing something I truly love. I really enjoy working with my clients to help make their businesses more successful and more engaging to their readers and customers. Don’t take it from me though. Read what they have to say for yourself!
A few fun things about me:
- I love tea. Everyone who knows me well enough knows I don’t do anything in the morning until I’ve had my cuppa Earl Grey tea (preferably Twinings brand). Oh, and I like it the British way – with milk & sugar. Don’t knock it ’til you’ve tried it!
- I’m a pastor’s wife. No, not the preaching kind (though he has preached on rare occasion, even in Kenya once!) My husband is the worship pastor at our church in Kentucky where we just recently moved to from Maryland. Things aren’t quite as fast-paced as the Washington D.C. metro area, but we are adjusting well and enjoying our new life in our new home.
- I’m a mom to 3 spunky boys.
- My middle son is on the autism spectrum, so I’m in the “special-needs mom’s club”. Life is different than what I had planned, but we try to find blessings and joy in as many moments as possible.
- As a special-needs mom, I have a personal blog about autism journey called Hope in Autism. I also contribute to a special-needs community blog called Not Alone: Special Needs Parenting.
- I watch re-runs of Friends, Everybody Loves Raymond, and Seinfeld everyday on TBS or TV Land. Because… Friends!
- I used to have a cookie business called “Cookie Creations by Sarah” that got too big for me to continue running out of my home as a stay-at-home mom with three little ones. But it was fun (and tasty!) while it lasted. I was even featured in the newspaper with a front-page spread and color photo!
- I have lobbied on Capitol Hill for better (and more) services for families with children with autism. One time, we were speaking to about 20 senators on a State committee, and one of them fell asleep as our panel brought testimonies for the services for which we were advocating. But we won our case!
- I enjoy learning new things and have pretty much taught myself most everything I know about social media management and web design.
- I’m a grammar Nazi. (That’s a good thing if you need a proofreader!)
- I have a Bachelor of Music degree in Piano Pedagogy. This means that I am officially trained as a piano teacher. I love teaching beginners. I enjoy intermediate – advanced students, but I just love getting to be a kid’s first piano teacher and hopefully making as much of an impression on them as my first piano teacher did. (Thanks, Mrs. Chapman!)
- I love to sew. I tried crochet as two friends tried to teach me on more than one occasion and I just could. not. do. it. Much like Phoebe:

Since lists can go on forever, I’ll stop there. But this is me, Sarah Broady, The Virtual Visionary, and just maybe your next virtual assistant.
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